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OneTen to Upskill, Hire and Promote One Million Black Americans Over 10 Years

December 10, 2020

IBM has been a global leader in creating education and pathways to help develop economic opportunities, and we have seen how education and training that leads to gainful...

IBM has been a global leader in creating education and pathways to help develop economic opportunities, and we have seen how education and training that leads to gainful employment is a great equalizer in society.

However, we recognize that in the US, we're in a unique moment that calls upon industry leaders to do more to build skills and create opportunities. Specifically, we've seen how there is a persistent “opportunity gap” that prevents millions of Black Americans from having meaningful access to the “American Dream.”

That's why IBM is joining leading employers across industries to take action and create a meaningful, measurable and lasting systemic impact on racial and economic justice -- and, through this action, help to create a more equitable American society.

IBM and 37 other companies have announced the formation of OneTen, an organization that will combine the power of these committed American companies to upskill, hire and promote one million Black Americans over the next 10 years into family-sustaining jobs with opportunities for advancement.

Logos of companies involved in OneTe

"OneTen links our companies with the critical work we know we need to do to improve racial equity in America,” said Ginni Rometty, IBM's executive chairman and the co-chairman of OneTen with Ken Frazier, the CEO and Chairman of Merck.

“This will not only help our individual companies; it will help our country as a whole," Ginni said. "By bringing together a coalition of key leaders and asking them to make long-term corporate commitments, we have the ability to change employment practices and help break down systemic barriers that prevent a large segment of America from fully participating in our economy.”

OneTen will work with employers, education and training partners to design educational and employment solutions to better develop, retain and advance diverse and under-represented talent, with an explicit commitment to hire or promote Black Americans without four-year degrees. In January 2021, the organization will begin working with IBM and partner employers to improve workplace inclusivity practices and connect talent providers to employers.

Through the creation of one million jobs for Black Americans over the next 10 years, OneTen has the potential to generate $1 billion of wealth in a decade.

For more information on OneTen, see the announcement press release or visit

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