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IBM Consulting leadership announcements

By Arvind Krishna | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBM
May 15, 2024

The following email was sent to all IBMers: I am writing to share some important news about our Consulting leadership team and how we are positioning ourselves for the next phase of growth. After...

The following email was sent to all IBMers:

I am writing to share some important news about our Consulting leadership team and how we are positioning ourselves for the next phase of growth.

After a remarkable career spanning two decades with our company, John Granger, our Senior Vice President of IBM Consulting, has decided to retire. John has been a lead architect of the strategy for Consulting, a key growth engine for IBM. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to John for his outstanding dedication. To ensure a smooth transition, John will stay into 2025 as Chairman of IBM Consulting and a senior advisor to me.

Effective July 1, Mohamad Ali will become Senior Vice President of IBM Consulting. Mohamad has a proven track record of driving operational discipline and strategy execution, and I am confident that he will continue to build on the strong foundation laid by John.

As our clients’ businesses move forward, the importance of technology consulting is only increasing. Consulting’s focus on repeatable, technology-based assets, AI, and our partners is more critical than ever for our clients. I am confident that this focus combined with strengthening our partnerships to deliver differentiated client value uniquely positions IBM.

Kelly Chambliss will remain in her role as Senior Vice President of IBM Consulting Americas. Additionally, Kelly will be the primary thought partner to Mohamad as the organization focuses on world-class execution and operations for Consulting. Kelly’s expertise and leadership will be instrumental in streamlining our business for success.

I am excited about this new chapter in Consulting and am confident that with Mohamad and Kelly’s leadership, we will continue to drive growth and deliver exceptional value to our clients.

Please join me in thanking John for his outstanding service to IBM and congratulating Mohamad on his new role.

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