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Bob Lord and Chelsea Clinton Discuss Harnessing Emerging Technology for Social Good at Cannes Lions Live

June 23, 2020

Watch a replay of the Bob Lord and Chelsea Clinton livestream. Registration is required. On Wednesday, June 24, IBM hosted host a keynote during Cannes LIONS Live titled Accelerating Change:...

Watch a replay of the Bob Lord and Chelsea Clinton livestream. Registration is required.

On Wednesday, June 24, IBM hosted host a keynote during Cannes LIONS Live titled Accelerating Change: Creativity and Technology for the Greater Good with The Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton and IBM Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications, Blockchain and Ecosystems, Bob Lord.

A replay is available at the Cannes LIONS Live website.

There has never been a more crucial need for brands and individuals to act with purpose to help solve global challenges. Lord and Clinton's keynote addressed how pivotal moments like the COVID-19 pandemic and social injustice have impacted the creative industry; how creativity and technology intersect to ignite change; and the importance of educating and inspiring the next generation by providing them with the technology and resources they need to take action. It is meant to serve as a catalyst to harness emerging technology to inspire change.

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