Customers face an enormous challenge: how do they make the vast amounts of their distributed enterprise data more accessible for AI so they can develop informed business outcomes? And how do they...
Businesses are rapidly embracing automation technologies to support expanding digital transformation efforts. From checking in for a flight, to opening a bank account and even receiving self-help...
At IBM®, we know that when our partners succeed, our customers do and so do we. That’s why, over the past year, as we have honed our corporate strategy around two major forces driving change for business—open hybrid cloud and AI
Adoption poised to accelerate as nearly half of global IT professionals cite advances in AI that make it more accessible Changing business needs due to COVID-19 driving adoption New market...
As we’re hearing at Think 2021, we are at an inflection point for enterprise developers, with more responsibility shifting to you and your work as the critical success factor for hybrid cloud environments.