The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, which began the year by urging the ethical development and application of artificial intelligence (AI), has announced an effort to use technology to...
In celebration of the Hispanic Heritage Month through September and October, IBM wants to recognize the profound importance of the U.S. Hispanic community; the challenges the community is facing...
By Trish Hall IBM announced on July 20 that it is greatly expanding the number of internships and apprenticeship positions it reserves for U.S. students from the educational program called P-TECH...
The Ad Council, in collaboration with IBM, Apple and the White House, has launched a national campaign that will drive awareness, inspiration and action around new pathways to career success. The...
Watch highlights from the Pride Month panel By Elissa Gootman “History, Solidarity and Community” was the topic of IBM’s 2020 LGBT+ Pride Month recent executive panel, which focused on how...
By Matthew Dillon From research labs to the boardroom, responsible stewardship and trust have been hallmarks of IBM’s culture for more than a century. The annual IBM Corporate Responsibility...