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The convergence of emerging technologies allows us to address the discovery process in a fundamentally new way. AI and quantum will increasingly combine with rapidly-advancing high-performance classical computers as a platform for scientific discovery.
The IBM-built Summit supercomputer pictured here is the world's smartest and most powerful supercomputer. (Photo Credit: ORNL)
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IBM Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna (left) and Director of IBM Research Dario Gil are pictured with a 10-foot-tall and 6-foot-wide "super-fridge,” a dilution refrigerator larger than any commercially available. The “super-fridge” is being custom built by IBM to effectively support quantum systems as they scale to the thousands and eventually million-plus qubit systems of the future that will be capable of solving problems out of reach of today’s most powerful supercomputers (Credit: Connie Zhou for IBM)
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IBM Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna (left) and Director of IBM Research Dario Gil are pictured with a 10-foot-tall and 6-foot-wide "super-fridge,” a dilution refrigerator larger than any commercially available. The “super-fridge” is being custom built by IBM to effectively support quantum systems as they scale to the thousands and eventually million-plus qubit systems of the future that will be capable of solving problems out of reach of today’s most powerful supercomputers (Credit: Connie Zhou for IBM)
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:IBM Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna (left) and Director of IBM Research Dario Gil are pictured with a 10-foot-tall and 6-foot-wide "super-fridge,” a dilution refrigerator larger than any commercially available. The “super-fridge” is being custom built by IBM to effectively support quantum systems as they scale to the thousands and eventually million-plus qubit systems of the future that will be capable of solving problems out of reach of today’s most powerful supercomputers.
Credit: Connie Zhou for IBM -
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IBM Quantum Hummingbird is a 65-qubit processor available on the IBM Cloud for members of the IBM Q Network. Quantum processors rely on the mathematics of elementary particles in order to expand computational capabilities, running quantum circuits rather than the logic circuits of digital computers.
Credit: Connie Zhou for IBM